Those who know their God shall be strong and do exploits! Living effectively begins with knowing your God, His purpose for your life and your limitless ability to achieve your dreams in Him.
Nothing is impossible to a man who is at one with his Maker in thought and action. Sufficient strength for exploits is made available unto him day after day as he lives from glory to glory. You have all you need to live a limitless life. Stop conforming to the way of the world.
Successful walk with the Lord begins with a changed heart, perception and action.
Let Pastor Solomon Osoko lead you on a path of transformation that will take you to a sure destination of joy, perfection and fulfillment. You too can live to your full potential if you will take personal responsibility to use what God has deposited in you to fulfill what He has specially created you to do.
Let the greater one in you loose to overcome every challenge and opposition of life.
Allow the rich revelations of the word of God in this book to set you aglow from glory to glory. Rise up and shine!
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